
Filter Cake Dissolver – CD1

Filter Cake Dissolver - CD1

The RE-CD1 filter cake dissolver is a fast-acting agent used to quickly release acid for dissolving filter cake downhole. Upon contact with water, it generates acid, which effectively dissolves calcium carbonate and starch in the filter cake, removing fluid damage and improving cleanup. It can also dissolve blockages caused by calcium carbonate or limestone cuttings, freeing the drilling string. Suitable for use in most brines within a temperature range of 75 to 205°F (25 to 95°C), with break times typically ranging from 1 to 5 hours depending on filter cake composition.

  • RE-CD1 facilitates complete dissolution of filter cakes in openhole completions, especially in lengthy vertical intervals, ensuring precise product placement before loss occurs.
  • For low-temperature applications, the use of our drilling detergent (RE-PDD) is recommended to aid in the thorough removal of filter cakes.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical Appearance Light Yellow Liquid
Specific Gravity 1.038
pH (1% Solution) 0.3 - 0.5
Solubility in Water 100%
Flash Point >200° F (>93° C)

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